Friday, November 11, 2016


After this long and arduous political season, many of my students and devotees have contacted me, saying, "Oh MaGuru, please share some of your wisdom and immense depth.

To that, I, MaGuru, sayeth:

Practice "Karma-lele."  This is the spiritual principle of ukulele cause and effect where harmonious intent and actions of an individual or group influence the future of that individual or group.

In other words, as Paul McCartney almost said, "The music you take is equal to the music you make."

As Mohandas Gandhi almost said, "Be the musical change you want to see in the world."

As MaGuru says - "Be your own spin doctor." Meaning, if you play a note or chord that is not "traditional" (correct), claim ownership and declare that you are expressing an alternative and intuitive version.

Repeat after MaGuru:

My groove is on a higher plane.

My groove is on a higher plane.

My groove . . . . . . . .

And finally - LOOSEN UP! It's going to be okay . . . really . . .

Oh,'ve done it again.